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Anxiety Steampunk Mannequin Bookmark by Devin Wineinger

Anxiety Bookmark


About the Product:
-    Handmade by combining an art print and decorative paper.
-    Laminated for durability.
-    Each one is unique!
-    Approximately 2in x 6in.
-    Labeled with artwork title and artist name.
-    Available with or without the Bible verse Proverbs 12:25 on the back.
NOTE: You will receive a random bookmark. You may get one shown here or another one.


About the Art:
My Mannequin art series showcases various emotions with a touch of the steampunk aesthetic and “Anxiety” is no exception. The fourth color pencil drawing in the series goes all out with steampunk style. This drawing is also clothed in symbolism. The most noticeable is probably the butterflies in her stomach, a common phrase to note anxiousness or nervousness. I also added the bars in the skirt to demonstrate the caged feeling that anxiety can bring. Yellow canaries are traditionally used in mines as a toxic gas warning system, so I put one of these birds in my drawing to represent how an anxious person is constantly looking for danger.
-Devin Wineinger
  Artist/Owner of Sparks & Steam


Anxiety is also available as stickers and prints.

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